
New Publication Co-Authored by Jón Haukur Ingimundarson and Joan Nymand Larsen

The article “A transdisciplinary, comparative analysis reveals key risks from Arctic permafrost thaw” was published today in Nature: Communications, Earth and Environment.

Publication of a New Article Connected to the MarineSABRES Project

A new methods paper co-authored by Catherine Chambers has just been published.

New Publication Co-Authored by Catherine Chambers

The article "Invasive Species Management: The Case of Pink Salmon in Iceland" by Hjörleifur Finnsson, Catherine Chambers, and Guðni Guðbergsson (MFRI) about pink salmon management in Iceland has just been published in Marine Policy.

New Publication by Joan Nymand Larsen and Jón Haukur Ingimundarson

The chapter "Value Creation and Internal Resilience in South Greenland: The case of Nanortalik – a town in the municipality of Kujalleq" has now been published.

Publication of a New Book Edited by Guðmundur Alfreðsson and Göran Lindholm About the Autonomy of the Åland Islands

New book, The Autonomy of the Åland Islands: Constitutional and International Law Challenges, edited by Guðmundur Alfreðsson and Göran Lindholm, has just been published.

New Article Co-Authored by Catherine Chambers

The article "Gaps in legislation and communication identified as stakeholders reflect on 30×30 policy in Icelandic waters" by Guðbjörg Ásta Ólafsdóttir, Theresa Henke, Catherine P. Chambers og Steinunn Hilma Ólafsdóttir was published today.

New Edition of an Article by Níels Einarsson Published in French

A new edition of an article by Níels Einarsson, originally published in 1990 in Maritime Anthropological Studies, has now be published with new forewords in French translation in Vertigo - a journal devoted to environmental sciences.

Recent Ventures in Interdisciplinary Arctic Research: The ARCPATH Project

This paper celebrates Professor Yongqi GAO’s significant achievements in the field of inter-disciplinary studies within the content of his final research project Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient Sustainable Societies - ARCPATH. The disciplines represented in the project are related to climatology, anthropology, marine biology, eco-nomics, and the broad spectrum of social-ecological studies.

New Article: Exploring social media as a tool for disentangling cultural ecosystem service values of whale-watching to inform environmental judgements and ethics: the case of Húsavík, Iceland

By Sílvia Gómez, Beatriz Patraca, Jade Zoghbi, Eduard Ariza, Maria Wilke, Níels Einarsson (SAI), Sveinbjörg Smáradóttir (SAI), Edward Huijbens & Catherine Chambers (SAI). This explorative study contributes to developing methods using social media data and social network theory in tourism studies to unravel cultural ecosystem values. Focused on the case of an emblematic village for whale-watching activity, Húsavík, in Skjálfandi Bay, Iceland, this study explores the cultural ecosystem service values of individuals as expressed through social media (TripAdvisor and Instagram) related to the practice of whale-watching. The aim is to document the cultural ecosystem service values and environmental judgements which provide information that could be used in future marine planning efforts.

New Article by Catherine Chambers and Elena Alessandra Lebedef

Catherine Chambers and Elena Alessandra Lebedef published the article "Youth and Newcomers in Icelandic Fisheries: opportunities and Obstacles" in Maritime Studies.