
Publication of a New Book Edited by Guðmundur Alfreðsson About the Autonomy of the Åland Islands

New book, The Autonomy of the Åland Islands: Constitutional and International Law Challenges, edited by Guðmundur Alfreðsson and Göran Lindholm, has just been published.

New Article by Catherine Chambers

The article "Gaps in legislation and communication identified as stakeholders reflect on 30×30 policy in Icelandic waters" by Guðbjörg Ásta Ólafsdóttir, Theresa Henke, Catherine P. Chambers og Steinunn Hilma Ólafsdóttir was published today.

New Edition of an Article by Níels Einarsson Published in French

A new edition of an article by Níels Einarsson, originally published in 1990 in Maritime Anthropological Studies, has now be published with new forewords in French translation in Vertigo - a journal devoted to environmental sciences.

Kick-off of the Arctic ICEBERG EU Horizon fieldwork in Northeast Iceland

During 21-26 August, the first field season of the Arctic ICEBERG EU Horizon project had a successful kick-off in Northeast Iceland, one of the project’s three field sites.

The Annual Sustainability Conference at University of Akureyri

The environmental council of the University of Akureyri invites everybody to the 4th sustainability conference at the University of Akureyri on 12.04.24. Participation is free of charge and no registration is required. The conference will be held in a hybrid format, to accommodate both on-site interaction but also online, environmentally friendly participation of international speakers and guests. The conference's language is English.

Visit from Arctic Forum students

On March 14, we had the pleasure of receiving a group of students participating in the Arctic Forum course as part of the EnCHiL Nordic MSc programme.

Former SAI staff member, Maria Wilke, defends doctoral dissertation in Planning at the Agricultural University of Iceland

Maria Wilke, a former staff member at the SAI defended her doctoral dissertation in the field of planning at the Department of Planning and Design at the Agricultural University of Iceland. Maria's dissertation is titled "Public participation in marine spatial planning in Iceland”.

Catherine Chambers and Árni Daníel Júlíusson presented at a Symposium about Icelandic Coastal Culture

Catherine Chambers gave the presentation "Coastal Culture Here and Now and the Future of Coastal Communities," and Árni Daníel Júlíusson gave a presentation on the History of coastal culture.

Webinar on the MARINE SABRES project

Catherine Chambers presented the Marine SABRES project on the webinar series Atlantic And Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour hosted by the BlueMission AA coordination hub. In the Webinar, Catherine and colleagues focused on the Arctic Northeast Atlantic case study.

New research on climate change and pollution impacts, and adaptation in Arctic coastal communities

New funding for fieldbased research on climate change and pollution will expand research on the human dimension of climate change at the Stefansson Arctic Institute (SAI).