U.S. Arctic Scholar Grant Available

U.S. Arctic Scholar Grant Available (28.04.2014)
The Fulbright Commission is offering a grant, financed by the Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs, supporting a U.S. Arctic scholar to teach and research for three to five months during the 2015-2016 academic year in Reykjavik and Akureyri, Iceland.

The grant is part of three-year pilot project, which will offer one grant per year. It is available for a wide variety of fields related to the Arctic and is open to all levels of scholars holding a PhD, including early career scholars.

The successful applicant will be affiliated with the University of Iceland Centre for Arctic Policy Studies, the University of Akureyri Polar Law, and other Arctic programs. The scholar will be expected to teach undergraduate and/or graduate courses, advise students who are carrying out research in the scholar's field of expertise, and assist with curriculum development. The schedule will allow the scholar to undertake his or her own research in parallel.

All applicants must apply through the Fulbright Embark system.
Application deadline: 1 August 2014.
Further information and application instruction.
For questions, please contact
Kolbrún Eggertsdóttir or Guðrún Rósa Þórsteinsdóttir.