Call for papers: 5th International Polar Tourism Research Network Conference

Call for papers: 5th International Polar Tourism Research Network Conference (19.10.2015)
Conference website.
Date: 29 August - 2 September 2016
Place: Raufarhöfn, Iceland
Deadline: 29 February 2016. More info here.

Conference theme: Tourism, People and Protected Areas in Polar Wilderness. This fifth conference of the International Polar Tourism Research Network (IPTRN) will be hosted at the edge of the Arctic in the community of Raufarhöfn (pop. 200) in Northeast Iceland by the Icelandic Tourism Research Centre. Alongside the conference, a community workshop on tourism development will be held in collaboration with local stakeholders, with the input from conference participants, scholars from the Stefansson Arctic Institute, students of polar law and scholars from the Northern Research Forum in an effort to focus on tourism in the polar regions.